My dad celebrated his 58th birthday this year. He told my sister that he didn’t want to do anything grand or special so we went on our merry ways. I had the book signing scheduled on that day and intended to go home for dinner.
Sadly, my phone has gone bonkers for quite a while and eventually ran out of battery. I was like, meh, he didn’t want to do anything so I’ll just go straight home. So I reached the house and lo! there was no one at home. The car wasn’t there. O_O
I have no cellphone and no other means to contact them. I felt like crying because that was the first time they left me alone like that. I had this feeling that they were in SM North but Dad didn’t want to do anything, right? It was almost dark already and there were news that people who were constructing the house a few doors away from us walks with a large ass knife at night… Of course I was freaking scared. As a result, I freaked out.
I did try to get myself out of it by looking for a phone but by the time I found a phone, my stress level was higher than high. Money was pretty tight that day and the cupcakes are definitely melting because of this damn heat. When my mom answered the phone, I wailed like the lost child that I was. I called them unfair. I was there already and if I go back, I wasted P120 on fare. If they go back, they wasted more than that on gas. It was simply unfair.
On a normal day wherein I am not under so much stress and fatique, I would’ve walked to the internet shop a couple of blocks away or to the newly built 7Eleven which was just a two blocks away. Really walk-able distances considering how much I love to walk. But meh, I cried. I haven’t cried like that in years too because I thought I graduated from that already. Haha.
So, lesson learned: never panic especially when stressed. (My dad also said that days later.) How? I would’ve/should’ve sat down, took deep healing breaths, thought of other action plans, and then, just go forth with the plan. How would you deal with this situation?
Oh well. Here’s a new adventure for the book (in the future)!!! 8D